Thursday, January 24, 2008

IT"S RAINING MEN!!!!!! (Statutory Warning: Read at your own risk!!!!!)

It's raining men!

It's raining men!

Alright! Alright! Calm down everyone!

That was a complete fabrication!

As you can see, it is NOT happening!

However, the way I'm smiling these days it may as well be raining men!

The way I'm smiling you would be forgiven for believing that men are falling from the skies in torrents!

Not your ordinary run-of-the-mill guys either, but HUNKS!
Hunks with an uncanny resemblance to Kunal Kapoor!
Wait a minute!
There are some George Cloonies too.
And if I'm not mistaken that’s Tom Cruise!
Good Lord! Is that a Ashton Kutcher??? (I LOVE HIM!!!)

No! No! Sorry! My mistake!

So there I am smiling away as though it really is raining men.
Raining tall, dark and handsome specimens!
And, as if the above were not enough, they are only semi clad!
Muscles rippling, Abs displayed in all their glory, eyes hooded and mysterious, lips begging....

I do think I'm getting a bit carried away!

This blog isn't even about men!
It most certainly isn't about rain.

It is about why I am smiling all the time.
And how this perennial smiling is impacting my life!

Let me start with first things first.

The fact of the matter is I’m smiling ever since I started blogging!
Not surprisingly, I'm on high alert at all times!
Never a moment of rest for me since the fateful day I registered at

  • I’m thinking of the blog I read that morning, and I'm smiling because I can’t forget the humor laced in it.
  • Some other day a racy blog, ripe with double entendres, will see me grinning from ear to ear all day.
  • Or I might be reveling in a comment I got for my latest post, something cheeky, something naughty, guaranteed to stretch my lips from sunup to sundown.
  • Finally, if my muse has been generous I may be living out my next blog. That is when I smile the most and the widest! I plot and plan and clip and crop and hum and haw, all in my mind. Smiling, always smiling!

    You would imagine that a smile couldn't possibly have adverse consequences.
    You would imagine that a mere stretching of the orbicularis oris 24x7 couldn't bring grief upon the stretcher.

    Well, you'd imagine wrong!

There are always consequences, even Newton said so!

Here’s what happens when you smile ALL the time:

The fellow in the red Santro who has been weaving in and out of your lane decides to slow down and let you pass. You graciously incline your smiling face, acknowledging his chivalry. Only to discover that he wants to stay behind you so he can follow you to where ever you are going. You realize that he doesn’t know the difference between a ‘come hither’ look and a smile engendered by the sheer joy of blogging! You glare at him, forgetting to switch off the smile. This results in a grotesque contortion of your facial features. The poor Romeo is permanently cured of his lust and falls several cars behind ;-)

You’ve reached the hospital by now, your smile threatening to blind one and all. Your Residents think they can pull one off on you. You ruthlessly brush aside all their leave applications, and other frivolous excuses, wondering if you can generate a blog out of it all!

Your patients think you are the reincarnation of Florence Nightingale. Everybody loves a smiling doctor, wouldn’t you think? Not true. Ask the patient who notices you are smiling as he recounts his litany of ocular woes. He is likely to ask for a transfer, and request psychiatric consultation for you!

( P.S. I am NOT a doctor.....its just an example...actually the day other me and Dr.Archana were discussing this topic....and she came up with these thanks to her!!)

Not a happy situation, smiling all the time.

What to do? What to do?

Can’t stop smiling!
Can’t stop blogging!

Can’t see the room mess piling up.

Can’t see the reminder from the lecturer to send in the microcontrollers chapter for the microprocessors book.

Only sure cure is for somebody to take away my laptop.

Or, better still, surgically remove the centre in my brain that screams blogger every time I pick up my laptop to complete the darn chapter!

I hope Siddu doesn’t read this ;-)

He knows some neurosurgeons :P
Meanwhile, it’s raining men!

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